Monday, July 19, 2010

What I Watched -- Whip It

Plot: nothing special.

Costumes: awesome.

Ellen Page: typically morose but a still-likable character.

Roller derby fun: two thumbs up!

Girl power: excellent!

That's pretty much as thorough a summary as I can give this movie. If you're curious what roller derby is all about, check it out.

(I get the feeling that roller derby is the new rugby, in that "Nuh-uh! Girls really do that?" kind of way.)


  1. I love this movie solely because of Ellen Page and Kristen Wiig, who I have a total girl-crush on. I also saw Inception last night, which stars our dear Ellen as a kid-genius architect who gets caught up in an adult world.

  2. Inception. That's the one where the guy steals people's dreams (or something like that), right? Was it good?

  3. I LOVE this movie. It is so much FUN!!!
    Okay, so I'm your weird Mom, but I saw
    it when it first came out . . .
