Monday, October 13, 2014

Battlegrounds Mud Run

On a very cold Saturday morning just over a week ago, L and I braved the cold weather and faced down the Battlegrounds Mud Run.  Her firm had put together a team, and thank goodness they let me join!  I've been trying to convince someone to do a mud run with me for some time, but the answer was always no, until now!

And boy did we pick a day!  It was cold and windy, and we went anyway, despite knowing we'd be in water and mud all morning.


Despite the near-freezing temps, we headed out into the muck, and the maze of obstacles which awaited us.

Being in the muck and water wasn't quite so bad as having to get out of it again, and stand there waiting for the rest of the group in the bitter wind.  That was cold.

Once it was all said and done, and I was in dry clothes, I realized that I had had a lot of fun. I might even be crazy enough to do it again!

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