Saturday, October 4, 2014

Japanese Festival, with Legos!

Over a month ago now, T and I headed off to MoBot for the annual Japanese Festival.  Luckily for us, it coincided with another MoBot special exhibition we wanted to see: Legos!

First: the festival.  The day was hot and sunny, just about what you'd expect at the Japanese Festival.  We started out by heading to - you guessed it - the Japanese Garden, to see what there was to see.  There were the usual shows, though we had just missed the Taiko drummers.  There was a fashion show starting, but we didn't feel the need to stick around for that.  Instead, after completing our stroll around the lake, we headed back for some festival food.  We had a lovely chat with some folks who were there for a family reunion weekend, then decided to try our luck with the cooking demonstration.

Back across the park we went, only to discover that there was already quite a line for the cooking demonstration, and it was limited to 70 viewers.  T had run ahead and jumped in line, so I waited near the entrance to the venue to see if he (we) made the cut.  We did not.

Instead, we headed for the air conditioning in another building, and enjoyed the bonsai and ikebana displays.

And that, folks, was that.

Now, the Legos. Tucked into the middle of the festival, mostly inside the Climatron, were the Legos.  It was so much fun to see these wacky kids' toys all tucked back in little corners.  Anyone who knows me knows I love Legos (and still have some!).

The Gardener - 34,340 Legos

Praying Mantis - 42,167 Legos

Monarch - 60,549 Legos

The Sundial - 27,869 Legos

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