Friday, October 10, 2014

What I Watched -- Gone Girl

It had been some time since T and I saw a movie.  After much gnashing of teeth, we settled on Gone Girl.  I had already read the book (and, as you might recall, disliked the ending), and T is a fan of movies over books, so it worked for both of us.

This was the perfect role for Ben Affleck as Nick: smarmy, smug, trying to act nice even though you know he's not.  It's exactly how I imagine him in real life (though for Jennifer Garner's sake, I hope it's not true.) Rosamund Pike as Amy was also a good choice.  She's lovely, but in a way that can look downright evil, which she needs for this role.  (And she can do ugly surprisingly well also.)

As with the book, I don't want to say too much about the plot, for fear of spoiling it for anyone who hasn't seen it.

Bottom line: if you liked the book, you'll probably like the movie.  If you didn't, you probably won't.


  1. I saw it. Felt dirty afterwards. Much like reading the book, I suppose!
