Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The Woman in Black -- Take 2

I love short books. Much like I love short films.  Perhaps this says something about my attention span, and not the quality of the short books or movies versus the long ones.

Moving right along...

I finished up The Woman in Black one day just as I was getting to work.  I had about ten pages to go, so rather than reading emails while I drank my first cup of coffee and ate my bowl of oatmeal, I finished my book.  And it ends - I don't think it's a spoiler to say - abruptly.  But it accomplished its purpose in being a page-turning spooky fall read, and I was glad to have read it.

Me being the Anglophile I am, I especially liked the tone and pacing of the writing, which was so very British.  Plus, the description of the choking smog in London and the damp, coastal fog that sweeps in off the ocean and envelops the seaside towns.


  1. I don't normally bottom-line books, but since you asked:
    It's short, so the investment is minimal, and worth making if you want a dark read.
