Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy new year, folks. Those who know me know that, for reasons we have probably already discussed, I am not a fan of this holiday, but far be it for me to rain on anyone else's alcoholic parade, so here are some fireworks for you:

Everyone good now? OK. On the bright side, because K and I only finished three bottles of wine last night in opposition, we were totally un-hungover and were able to make it to yoga this morning. We were the only people under the age of 55 in the room. (Notice that I said we "finished" three bottles of wine, not that we "started and finished" three bottles of wine. And technically speaking, only two of them were actually wine. So don't get excited thinking I might have been celebrating.)

On to my next, um, issue? complaint? comment? subject of conversation? Whatever it is. New year's resolutions. I usually don't make hard and fast resolutions ("I will only eat ice cream once per day.") because I inevitably will disappoint myself. (Sometimes you just need to eat ice cream at every meal.) Instead, I like to pick something that will be a general improvement in my life if I succeed, but is hard enough to measure that it won't be a major disappointment if I fail. Yes, it is brilliant to do it that way. Yes, you can copy my idea.

Last year, my goal was to be on time more often. Did I succeed? I have no bloody clue. But it was a good goal. I am still by no means on time all the time, so I might renew that goal this year, as well as add an additional guideline: read more.

This one actually might be kinda measurable, since I write about most of the books I read on this here blog. But honestly, I'm not going to go back and count, so I'll only know how I did if one of you guys with nothing else to do goes back and counts for me. Although that will not include other reading I do, such as magazines. Right now I have about 17,000 magazine subscriptions, so I'm not sure how anyone would keep track of that, since I certainly don't. Therefore, this is the perfect new year's resolution/guideline.

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