Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What I Watched -- A Film Unfinished

An hour-long film of the Warsaw ghetto was found in a concrete bunker hidden in a forest, along with some other footage.  A Film Unfinished is an investigation into the origin of the footage, the filmmakers and their intentions (which are not at all clear since the film was never, um, finished), and life in the ghetto.

This film, or more appropriately, the conditions of life in Warsaw as a Jew, were tragic.  But most of the film is actually pretty boring.  And it's a little disappointing - I was hoping there'd be some major revelation or discovery, perhaps about one of the filmmakers or cameramen, at the end.  You do get the identity of a couple of the filmmakers, but mostly the story just gets more and more depressing as the Nazis start shipping starving Jews off to concentration camps.  It's a little like the proverbial train wreck: you have to watch it just because it's so horrible.  So it's fascinating in some kind of sick way, but not enjoyable.

Bottom line: one for history buffs only.


  1. Have you read SARAH'S KEY? I liked it a lot.... a little redemption at the end. Think it is being made into a movie. Mom

  2. I have not read it. I'm way behind on reading, as you can probably tell from the absence of posts about books of late.
