Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Extravaganza, Part III

I'm so behind on my Christmas posts!

First, please enjoy photos of our lovely tree, and all of our delightful-looking presents!

Now that you've done that, I can tell you that I just wrapped up my fourth - fourth! - Christmas celebration!  This has been quite a year!

Christmas #1 was with a small portion of T's family.  We went to his aunt and uncle's house for dinner, presents, holiday cheer, and antler headbands on Christmas Eve.  That was followed shortly thereafter by preparations for Christmas #2, which was to be brunch at our house the next day.  Mere moments after getting home from Christmas #1, I set about cleaning and doing food prep for the Christmas morning brunch.

The next morning, I awoke to find K and J in the kitchen working on their portion of the food prep.  We readied for our guests and were showered just in the nick of time.  We had a total of 11 for brunch, and the food was a bit of a group effort, but I think it all turned out quite well.  We had a present extravaganza and some whirlwind cleaning, then it was off to Christmas #3.

This one was again with T's family, but a different group.  There were lots of presents, including some interactive ones (lottery tickets - I won $37!).  My other gifts were food-centric: cheese and a cheese knife, a Williams-Sonoma gift card....they must know me!

[Christmas #4 to follow....]

Also, a bit more about the cookie business.  I wanted to make chai spice cookies, but I never got around to that.  I'll have to do it next month, when it's cold and miserable and I'm drinking lots of chai.  What better time to eat chai spice cookies?  Though I am sadly without a picture of it, I cannot go another Christmas post without a shout-out to K's awesomely-iced hat cookie.  It's one of the sugar cookies we made, and she iced with with stripes.  Of sorts.  It's pretty artistic.

Some special Christmas wishes to the family from Uncle P can be found here!

And finally, I watched The Polar Express!  This movie is awesome, and Tom Hanks is spectacularly talented in the voice department.  He does the voices and image-capture motion for half the characters in the movie!

1 comment:

  1. Uuuuuummmm....no picture? How can the public understand my awesomeness if there is no visual representation of said artistic skill? I demand a visual!
