Saturday, September 1, 2012

Brooklyn, U.S.A. -- Welcome!

Folks, today I am embarking on a great adventure.  I'm moving to Brooklyn.

Okay, actually I'm only visiting for two weeks, so perhaps it's not a great adventure.  But it is an adventure!  Especially since I almost locked myself out an hour after I got here - no cell phone, no one to call even if I had one.  Luckily it turned out I was wrong.  But for 20 minutes or so, I was pondering what it would be like to live on the streets in Brooklyn for a few days!  Whew.  (And if I had had to live on the street, I would have been without my trusty sidekick Radar, who is back home with T.)

There's not much today write about today and I don't have any pictures, but I'll be back periodically with better stuff.  I went for a jog today and found myself in Prospect Park, which was a nice change of pace (heh, literally), from the crowded sidewalks.  In addition to bikers, joggers, and the NYPD, the park was filled with vaguely hungry-looking skinny people wearing skinny clothes.  Yes, definitely Brooklyn.

Not feeling like risking locking myself out again so soon, I raided E's fridge for dinner.  I managed to put together a surprisingly tasty sandwich with hummus on one slice of toast and avocado on the other, piled high with cucumber slices, apple slices, and some sauteed Swiss chard.  And wine!  She has wine.  Skinny people aside, Brooklyn is A-ok! (Is there a Wikipedia page for everything?)

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