Thursday, September 20, 2012

Trendy Looks I Can't Rock

1. Skinny Jeans

It took a long time before I bought my first pair of skinny jeans.  Now that I have a pair (one - singular), I have a strict rule that I wear them with nothing but knee-high boots.

They can be super cute with flats or heels:

However, you've got to be skinny to pull that off.  Especially you have to have no hips, thighs, or butt.  Otherwise, it just ends up looking like this, and nothing should ever look like that.

Although maybe I can keep up this running thing for a while and manage to rock the skinnies with some heels.  TBD.

2. Shorts as Classy Weekend Wear

I wish I could make this happen.  I think my problem here is that I don't have classy shorts.  That seems like sort of a prerequisite for an outfit in this category:

Most of my shorts are more casual, and it seems weird to wear them with heels.  Maybe that's the tipping point.  I don't know.  If I try it out (and it works), I'll let you know.

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