Saturday, December 1, 2012

52 Weeks of Dresses -- Week 46

Otherwise titled: congrats to E!

She's officially a "comma MPH!"  Yesterday was the big day:

Afterwards, we went out for the world's biggest dinner party with seven of the graduates and their families.  The dinner was at Piazza Italia in Brightleaf Square, which I adore!  I made up for it all by running five miles this morning.  E did a lovely job organizing it and I think everyone had a good time!

The graduates!

Toasted cheese ravs - the trend is moving east!

Spinach tortellini

Chocolate cake!

That has been the big focus of my time in NC thus far, so not much else to report except that the weather has been lovely!


  1. :))))))))) (that's a big smile, not lots of chins)

  2. Enough with the Chinese phone book references . . . gheesh.
