Friday, December 7, 2012

Not Gentlemanly At All

I don't make a habit of commenting on restaurants where I haven't actually eaten, but in this case, I'll make an exception.

Dad was in town for a brief stint earlier this week and went out to eat with G&G at a new spot called Little Country Gentleman, which has gotten good reviews in the local press.  They do tasting menus - three, six, or twelve courses.  Sounds perfect for me, a semi-locavore with a flair for indecision.

Apparently tasting menus are all they do.  Unfortunately I was working the night of the dinner outing, so I only had a little break to stop by and sit with the fam.  I told Dad when I would be there and asked him to just order me an app which I could nosh on, then jet back to work.  I was happy with our plan.

But they wouldn't do it!  They were super snooty and refused to even bring me a bowl of soup!

Party foul; I won't be back.

1 comment:

  1. oh, that is REALLY BAD FORM!
    tsk, tsk. Maybe they don't think they need customers!
    Was the food ok for G,G,D? Hope so... it IS so nice to eat s-l-o-w-l-y and small plates cause that to happen around lovely conversation...
    Seriously, not even a bowl of soup? What did they have to do besides scoop it out of a pot?
    Better luck at the next new place!
