Saturday, March 2, 2013


I thought of two more wonders of showering at home I forgot to include!

8.  It's also a bathtub.  In fact I enjoyed a lovely and relaxing bubble bath on Saturday night.

9.  Everything is there, not just shower stuff.  Showering away from home requires that you have not just your shower and immediately post-shower stuff with you, but also all your clothes and everything else you'll need for the day.  It is almost inevitable that I will forget something.  The most common culprits are either jewelery or a belt.  Sometimes it's socks.  Yesterday I forgot my coat (yes, it's February - it seems impossible to forget a coat, but it's actually quite possible).  I've forgotten shoes.  I've forgotten pants.


Luckily on those days I've just been able to wear my workout clothes to work, but one of these days I'm going to get caught racing the half hour home (though it'll be longer because I'll be in traffic) to retrieve the pants I left hanging on the back of the door.

This is something that doesn't happen when I'm at home.  In a few decades of dressing myself, I have never once forgotten to put my pants on before I walk out the door.


  1. Not to mention that you can change your mind about what you want to wear if you get dressed at home - which may be a necessity if you find a strategic rip, button missing or loose, or some other emergency you'd be unprepared for in a locker room!

  2. You are an amazing dresser. Both in terms of fashion and competency.
