Monday, June 15, 2015

New Orleans

Before "busy at work" became "insanely busy at work" back in April, I decided to head to New Orleans for a friend's bachelorette party.  Even though things were hectic, I had planned a short trip (late Friday night to early Sunday morning), and I needed a break.  So off I went.

Luckily for me, most of the crew had gone down to NOLA on Thursday, and they all went out and partied hard on Thursday night.  Several of them didn't even go out on Friday (including the bride-to-be), which gave me the perfect opportunity to crash as soon as I got to the hotel.

I got up early on Saturday, showered, and was ready to go before anyone else was even awake.  What's a girl to do in this situation?  Slog through the rain over to Cafe du Monde with a delightful magazine to get some beignets and coffee, obviously!

Our calendar got a little bit messed up, but we handled it and ended up having a pretty good Cajun lunch, followed by a really neat tour of the city.  We saw a bunch of different neighborhoods, including where Lake Pontchartrain flooded the city, I learned about the cemeteries and the funky things they have to do when they can't bury people below ground, and got a thick-as-mud and much needed cup of coffee (but no more beignets) at Morning Call Coffee Stand, which fueled me for the rest of the afternoon.

Unfortunately, my phone crashed after this trip and I lost all my pictures.  Sorry about that.

After we all dressed for the night, we had dinner at Saints & Sinners, a restaurant in the FQ owned by Channing Tatum.  The food was okay at best.  In a city with so much great food, we could have done WAY better, but it wasn't up to me.

From there, the bachelorette party began, and that is all I will say about that (except to say that there were fewer shenanigans and less bad behavior than I expected).  By the time I finally made my way back to our hotel for the night, I had about three hours in which to sleep, get up, get packed and head off for the airport.  As you might have predicted, I slept the entire way home.

Query: when did it become acceptable to wear leggings/yoga pants as everyday wear? On my flight home, there were no fewer than 10 people wearing them, as regular daily attire.  These are not people who were on their way home from the gym.  These were people who dressed to appear in public and felt that yoga pants (sometimes with wacky patterns) were an appropriate choice.  I beg to differ.

1 comment:

  1. But... but... yoga pants are the coziest. Especially on long plane rides.

    (Shamefully hiding my face because I definitely wore them on the flights both to and from Croatia.)
