Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What I Watched -- Standard Operating Procedure

Honest truth: I did not watch this whole movie. I heard about it somewhere and thought it sounded interesting, but about 45 minutes of watching it displayed mostly finger-pointing, and frankly, I wasn't that interested in that.

The movie is about treatment of prisoners at Abu Ghraib. It is made up of a series of interview clips with relevant people, still photos that were taken by said relevant people, and actors recreating some of the scenes. What I got bored with was really the interviews. The military police were saying that the "bad guys" were military intelligence, and the military intelligence were saying that the "bad guys" were the military police. And the independent contract interrogators thought the whole thing was a big mess. (The latter is probably closest to the truth.) Anyway, I got bored with listening to this, so I didn't finish.

However, I lent the movie to K, who had to watch it for one of her classes. Ever the good student, she watched it all the way through to the end, and said that it did get better. Apparently the interviewees go more into the psychology of Abu Ghraib, and what it was like for the MPs and MIs who had to work there. Unfortunately, it is due back to the library today, so I will probably never know. But if anyone else out there in TV Land has seen it, I'd like to know your thoughts!

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