Friday, May 6, 2011

The Royal Wedding

K and I finally sat down to watch the Royal Wedding (yes, it gets capital letters) last night, almost a week late.  Aside from one picture, I had managed to avoid all images of the wedding (thanks, mom!), although I did hear a little bit of chatter about it on the radio.

So, let's dispense with some of the formalities:
- Kate Middleton - sorry, Catherine Dutchess of Cambridge - is beautiful, and seems like serious princess material.
- Little sis Pippa was smokin' hot in her white dress.
- Harry is way cuter than William, although does bear the burden of being the second son in a royal family.  Less than ideal.
- Loved the queen's yellow and Mrs. Middleton's ice blue.  Both lovely.

Now, on to some of the more interesting things that have turned up:
- Princess Beatrice's hat now has its own Facebook page.  Also there's a Tumblr page devoted to it.  It's taken on a life of its own.  I also am amused by the fact that she can't sit up straight in the car.
- This looks too good to be fake, and I love it.  Wait for number one.
- Fun collection of worldwide newspaper front pages here.
- As K pointed out, imagine what it's going to be like when Pippa gets married.  What a letdown.
- Really?  Do people do this?
- Oh, wait.  There's more kitsch.  But honestly, I kind of love #10.  #11 is pretty funny too.
- The T-Mobile spoof on the viral wedding video from a couple years ago is actually kind of clever.
- Katy Perry celebrates the day.

Seriously though, everything was lovely, and Kate will hopefully breathe a little life into the British monarchy.

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