Monday, March 26, 2012

Goal #13

Goal #13: sort lost bookmarks.

What? More bookmarks?  Yes, more bookmarking fun!  Now that I've sorted through the bookmarks on both my personal and work computers, I feel pretty organized in that regard.  They're grouped together, I deleted all the links that no longer work, etc.  But I also have a whole bunch of links saved in Evernote (my life saver!) which need to be double-checked and organized as appropriate.  A lot of them are links someone sent me in an e-mail ("Check out this awesome site!"), but I never got around to.  I made a big long list of them, and now it's time to tackle it.

Recap of Goal #12: Success!  My work computer is now organized, and cleared of a lot of clutter that frankly should be on my personal computer.  But I get a lot of e-mails and do some of my surfing during the day, so unfortunately a lot of that junk ends up on my work computer.  No longer!  At least not until tomorrow.

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