Friday, February 1, 2013

Breckenridge, Days 1 and 2

Welcome to Colorado, where it's bitterly cold but finally snowing!

Day 1 in Breckenridge, and I believe the high temperature we reached was 14 degrees.  It was about 5 when I got up, with significant winds that drove the temperature well below zero.  So what better to do than go play outside?

I had my first (mis)adventures with cross country skiing, which we opted for as the warmer alternative to downhill.  It was indeed warmer - so warm, in fact, that I unzipped my coat part of the way.  Go crazy, folks!

Seriously though, cross country skiing is a lot of fun, a good workout, and you get to see some beautiful places.  And to boot, I only got my skis seriously crossed twice.

Dinner was a hearty and delicious venison stew with fresh-baked bread to sop up the goodness at the bottom of the bowl.  Hard to beat, though I have to apologize for my lack of pictures.  Will try to do better.

Today, day 2, took us out on the mountain for the first time, and it was glorious!  It snowed all night and there were anywhere from a few inches to a foot of new powder on the slopes.  Dad scheduled me a lesson for today, so I skied with G, my instructor, through some of the most fun snow I've ever had the privilege of playing in.

It snowed until early afternoon and was very cloudy most of the day.  The sun managed to peek through a few times, and we had a lovely view of town at the end of the day after the snow stopped.

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