Saturday, December 4, 2010

Happy Sneezing. Or not.

Why do random people whom I've never met before feel the need to say "God bless you" to me? And I'm not talking in the context of sneezing, because there I say "bless you" as often as the next guy (although I leave out God and it comes out sounding something like "bleshu"). I also support a good "gesundheit" (German) or "salud" (Spanish), and there are a bunch of other options you can choose from too! Maybe I will try "na zdravi" (Czech) from now on when people sneeze.

Back to my point. I'm talking about people ending a conversation with something like "thanks and God bless you."

I feel like Miranda in that one episode of Sex and the City ("Attack of the Five Foot Ten Woman"). Her new housekeeper Magda keeps saying "God bless you" practically every time she talks to Miranda. Finally Miranda puts the issue to rest with "I don't need you to bless me. I don't need God to bless me. I'm fine with my life as it is."

If you want God to bless you, that's fine. Go ahead and ask him to. If I want God to bless me, that's fine too. I'll ask him for that. But I don't need you to ask for me, thank you very much.

Na zdravi.

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