Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bad grammar makes me [sic].

My afternoon gchat with J:

J: hrm...their all federal, i think...
me:  hahahaha
that just made my day
J: i hate when i do that, because it pisses me off when other people do it
and i like to think of it as an indicator of THEIR intelligence
me: it's ok.  i know you're (or should i say your) smart

I think it was the vehemence of the reaction to the typo that really made it priceless.  Hooray for people who know the difference!

I got an e-mail this morning from an organization with which I have only a loose affiliation; I probably get an e-mail from a somewhat responsible leader and/or member of the group once every week or two.  I'm a little dismayed to say I was shocked to notice, halfway through the e-mail, that there weren't any typos!  What has this world come to, that we're amazed to find proper spelling and grammar somewhere?  I think we need to reassess our educational priorities.  Back to basics, people.

P.S. Here's the t-shirt.

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