Sunday, June 9, 2013

Goal #23

Goal #23: cook (or at least eat) good food.

I've been on a bit of a junk food kick lately.  It happens periodically, and it was not aided by the fact that I made three delicious ice creams with the ice cream maker I got from E for my birthday a few years ago.  Over Memorial Day weekend, I made strawberry ice cream, lemon basil sorbet, and cheesecake ice cream with strawberry sauce.

I did share these delights, but even keeping half or a third of each batch for myself still made for a lot of sugary goodness.  Then there are the loads of baked (or fried) treats that have shown up in our office kitchen lately - and about three in the afternoon I have no willpower.

But I will try to be better!  (Although I do still have some frozen blackberries that will one day become ice cream as well....)

Recap of goal #22: my goal to get the cedar chest to T's house was revamped a bit.  T is on a roll with some of his own projects, and he needed the space, and - given that it's his house and all - my project will wait.

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