Sunday, June 23, 2013

Goal #25

Goal #25: pass my test.

What kind of test,  you might ask?  I can't tell you.  Well, I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.  So you might want to think again about asking.

Recap of goal #24: okay, let's see how I did:

- Get case for new phone (which I finally got!) - yes!
- Set up lunch with N and J, G&G - yes, and actually had the lunch (really breakfast)!
- Work on car situation - kinda
- Schedule doctor's appointment - yes, and went!
- Make ice cream - no
- Make lemon curd - yes!
- Ride bike - yes!
- Climb - yes!
- Row - no
- Read magazines - I'm getting behind and they're piling up! - no

So...6.5 out of 10.  In school that would be failing, but in Major League Baseball, I'd be a Hall of Famer.  I'll go with the MLB on this one.


  1. Well, it was supposed to be Tuesday. But the testing center closed early that day for a special event. (Imagine that!) So now I have to find an alternate date. I practiced though, so I'm totally confident I'll pass.

  2. What's the word on this? Did we ever get a follow-up?

  3. I passed. Do you want to know what it is?
