Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Urban Wanderers

For just another week or so, the "Urban Wanderers" exhibit at the Saint Louis University Museum of Art pays tribute to (and hopes to raise money to help) the stray dogs (and a few cats) in St. Louis.  E, T, and I stopped by to check it out on a very busy Saturday, and had just enough time to squeeze a tour of the galleries in before the museum closed for the day.  (Actually, we got locked in, but security was kind enough to let us out again.)

Each work of art - drawings, paintings, and photos - included a brief story about the animal depicted.  The exhibit was both heartwarming (some dogs had found their "forever homes") and heartbreaking (some were captured in photos and then never seen again).  But either way, it was worthwhile.

1 comment:

  1. Locked in??
    Did someone photograph you?
    I'm glad you were seen again!!
    PS Hope other cities do this. Gotta love those pups (and kitties)! <3 Mom
