Thursday, October 6, 2011

What I Watched -- Buried

I heard about Buried and just had to see it.  The whole 90-minute film consists of Paul Conroy (Ryan Reynolds) in a coffin.  Sounds boring, right?  It's not.

He was working as a contractor in Iraq when his convoy was ambushed.  Everyone was killed but Paul, who was buried alive and is being held for ransom.  He has a cell phone, a flashlight, a lighter, a knife, and some other tools.

The movie is claustrophobic yet intimate.  You spend the whole movie in the coffin with Paul, and see him go through the whole range of emotions right up to the heart-pounding final moments.

Bottom line: do not - I repeat: do not - watch this movie if you are claustrophobic.  It will seriously freak you out.  But if you can handle the idea of being buried alive, it's fascinating.

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