Sunday, July 1, 2012

Goal #27

Goal #27: sort all the books?

That's right: sort all the books.  This is an immense undertaking.  In truth, I should really do this in steps, but I wanted to be able to reference Hyperbole and a Half's classic "clean all the things?"  So now I have to sort all the books.

This project includes sorting through the probably dozen and a half boxes of books I recently recovered from L&L's basement a couple of times.  First I eliminate any books which I know off the bat I don't want.  Either I already read them and don't wish to keep them, I never read them but they no longer sound interesting to me, or I listened to the audio.

The second time through, I take a closer look at the books which survived the first round.  Now that I'm satisfied that I want to read it, will I actually do it?  Does it look like something that I want to spend my time on?

Investment of time?  I got through one box already in about 20 minutes, but it was mostly hardcovers.  Boxes packed with little paperbacks will take longer.  Wish me luck!

Recap of Goal #26: success was had!  Not complete success, but progress.  My two biggest lists (with which I will never catch up) are my lists of books to read and movies to see, and at least I got those two taken care of.

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